Cooking to rock n roll

#steak #hummus #sandwich #easyrecipe

Hey guys I’m trying a new style for videos. Let me know what you think. The song playing in the video is called ‘Krishna – The Cowherd’ by my band Demonic Resurrection and you can listen to it on all digital platforms or watch the video here:

Now before you come at me about the steak looking overcooked it was cooked a day before and since we didn’t eat it I used it to make this sandwich. It was still super tender. I just warmed it up on the pan. The hummus and the bread are from a restaurant called The Nutcracker in Mumbai.

Anyway do let me know what you think about the style of video.

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How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Health

For a great deal of individuals, dropping weight is a goal that they establish over and over once more, and also yet hardly ever take care of to complete. Regrettably, what the majority of people don’t obtain is that dropping weight is not a short-term accomplishment; it requires a total change of lifestyle. Fad diet, fat workout programs and also losing ’30 pounds in 30 days’ are simply some of the several various means through which the weight reduction market lures consumers in. Without hesitance, people subscribe to sign up with such programs, merely because they are so appealed by the prospect of reducing weight promptly and getting performed with their ‘weight-loss objective’.

Losing Weight – 6 Easy Steps to Accomplish Your Goal

When it pertains to slimming down, lots of people are absolutely stunned. The weight loss market is just one of the largest on the planet, and completely reason additionally. Nearly everybody is dissatisfied with their bodies nowadays. Those who aren’t want to shed some even more extra pounds so as to get those ‘killer abs’ or obtain the ‘summer body’. Individuals want to spend hundreds of bucks simply to obtain in shape, yet what they fall short to understand is that weight loss does not always have to be produced by investing cash. Rather, here are 6 very easy actions to start slimming down and maintaining it off completely

5 Keys to Get Skinny

Life is not an event, it is a journey. Universal growth is the result of advancement. Whatever happens gradually. The body has a terrific recovery system, but, nothing occurs over night. Our body can kill any type of kind of infection as well as can recover any injury, but, each healing treatment has a time frame.

How To Lose Weight In 2 Months And Keep It Off Permanently

With all the temptations out there, it is challenging to reduce weight and with the included convenience of take-out solutions, it is no surprise that losing weight and also keeping it off completely appears to be a difficult task. That being claimed, weight management done right, can be easy and also keeping it off completely a wind. All you need to do is to make some adjustments as well as you get on your way to coming to be a slimmer and fitter variation of on your own.

Weight Lifting for Women – Get Those Sexy Curves!

Discover exactly how to develop muscular tissue meaning to get the attractive contours you have actually always wanted. Women need to raise weights to create great muscle interpretation. This write-up will certainly tell you how!

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