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Are you putting 100% into your weight loss program, but feel like you’re getting no results?

Many people find themselves with this problem. They work really hard, hold on to their diet strategy like a dog, but don’t see the change they wanted. Hopes were high, but the scale just isn’t moving.

What gives?

Often, the difficulty is not effort or motivation. The issue is that they are including certain foods in their diet plan that are actually not diet foods at all. The diet industry is massive business, and unfortunately many corporations market their products as healthy, even though they are counter-productive options.

What are these foods? Here are three problem foods you need to cut from your diet immediately.

Fruit Flavored Yogurts

Fruit flavored yogurts are a special choice among many dieters, but many don’t see them for what they are: small sugar bombs. Many yogurt packs have gotten unhealthier and unhealthier, while their ideal food as a go-to diet food has regrettably survived.

Next time you’re picking out your favorite yogurt, look closely at the sugar amount You might be surprised to find there are 15+ grams of sugar a serving.

Of course you can purchase the sugar-free varieties, but then you’ll be consuming unwanted artificial sweeteners, which can be just as bad for you.

As another option, opt for simple Greek yogurt. Flavor it yourself by adding a nice amount of fresh berries.

Fat-Free Items

Be careful of any product marketed as ‘fat free’. These products proudly parade themselves as fat-free, and that very well may be true.

But question yourself, if the fat is removed, what has been added? Time and again, the fat content has been replaced with something just as not wanted.

Often it is replaced with heaps of sugar.

If you are trying to shed body fat, sugar is just as bad — if not worse — than fat is.

Protein Bar

The last problem food to be wary of is the protein bar, despite its prevalence in many dietary programs and meal plans. These may seem like a good option because they contain protein, but once again you have to check them out properly.

Look at that sugar amount Most protein bars have upwards of fifteen grams of sugar per bar. Some as much as 30 and even 40 grams.

In reality, these are simply chocolate bars. While you can buy some bars with very low sugar content (five grams or less per bar), these will require a little investigation.

Sadly, many dieters are blissfully unaware of these three problem foods. Are any of them in your current diet?

If you want to educate yourself on the the two must-eat foods that will thrust fat loss into high gear, make sure you check out The 2 Week Diet.

The 2 week diet is the greatest among many fast weight loss diets. Try it now for superb results.

Within it’s contents are diet tips for fast weight loss. Whether your goal is to lose 2 lbs a week with your diet plan, or lose 10 pounds over 2 weeks with your diet you will find this manual very helpful.

Some people have reported losing as much as 20 pounds with their 2 weeks diet plan. In a world where their is often a lot of confusion with weight loss programs the 2 week diet recommends certain types of foods to be included in your menu as well as foods that both satisfy and nourish the body.

A diet not only needs to be for a certain period of time, but also must be sustainable for the longer term. Try this diet today, you will not be disappointed.

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